Exercise Minutes

Weight Loss

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10- Drat- I feel the need to start over

I am such a perfectionist. I missed 2 days of blogging and tracking my food for the day. This to me is a BAD thing. Time to throw in the towel and start all over. Like if I was hand writing a letter and was 4/5 of the way through and made a mistake I would re-write the whole thing. Yep... I am a little OCD when it comes to things like this.

BUT I am NOT QUITTING. OK so I missed two days, big deal. I am still here. This is not being graded. I am not being judged. Well at least I hope I am not being judged.

So what's been going on? Not much. I am not exercising. I am tired. I am stressed. I ran out of money, I ran out of yarn, blah blah. It's all good.

I saw the kidney stone doctor yesterday. The stones are still there. The shocking didn't work. He wants to watch it for 6 months then decide the next step to be taken. He again threatened me... I MUST drink 100oz of water every day, and that is the minimum, he would be happy to see me drink even more than that.

Now I also have to eat a LEMON a day. A real lemon. Do you know lemons are .56 cents a piece??? He also wants me to filter my water, either get a Brita or buy bottled water. I don't even wanna think about the cost to do that.

I bought 8 lemons yesterday. I will TRY to drink water with lemon. I am not excited about this at all.

I squeezed all the juice and pulp from the lemon into my water mug, then for a bonus I threw in the lemon halves too. It's chilling in the frig now. My goal is to drink this entire mug of water today and 75 more ounces of water. So far I have had 5oz, but I also had a decaf coffee so this first bottle of water won't even count. (sigh)

If I want to drink a lot of water, I can usually get it in if I eat bad... if I eat chips, and carbs and stuff like that I am super thirsty all day. But when I focus on my protein and maybe veggies, I am not only not thirstyl but I am not hungry wither.

It's like a catch 22- lose weight and eat right, or eat bad and stop formation of kidney stones. Is there a happy medium for me?

Anyway that's where I am today... lets see how the week goes.

Day 10-

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